
Live, Instructor-Led Training—Anywhere@Anytime

Want to minimize your facility and resource requirements? Our virtual classrooms let us stretch across locales and time zones to consistently accommodate the needs of every learner. Students need only a web browser and, if attending remotely, an audio connection, to be fully integrated into a classroom setting. They can ask questions, start discussions, and get help with hands-on lab exercises. All the dynamic features of instructor-led classroom training are available.

The virtual classroom infrastructure supports onsite, remote, and hybrid (combining onsite and remote students) delivery.

Classes are scheduled to accommodate local or multiple times zones via five global data centers.

Our virtual classrooms are infinitely scalable and can handle any number of classes simultaneously. The infrastructure also supports the delivery of on-demand training with hands-on labs.

Onsite Training

Want traditional classroom training? We can do that. The virtual classroom makes it easy to bring instructor-led training to you.

The Infrastructure You Want — The Trainers You Need

Our unique training infrastructure provides role-based training and a consistent learning experience wherever students are located. Our instructors bring industry best practices and tool knowledge that bridge the classroom to your production environment.

Island Training instructors are chosen equally for their product expertise and their teaching skill. The instructor sets the pace, facilitates discussions, answers questions, assists with labs, and relates tool capabilities to student real-world tasks.

Corporate Licensing

Are you ready to take on training? Now your internal IBM® ELM tool expert can train your teams using the most effective materials in the industry. Our corporate licensing program makes Island Training’s complete curriculum available to your company for internal training.